Healthy Sleep for the 5 to 10 year old — November 10, 2020
As parents we tend to put less emphasis on sleep as our child ages out of napping. Wahoo!! You are no longer tied to a nap schedule in the middle of the day. Things start to slide in a fast-paced world which can have an impact on sleep. Our daytime habits can have an impact on your young school agers sleep.
● Keep a balanced schedule between activity and time for rest
● Keep a regular bedtime. Avoid letting them sleep in for more than an hour than their usual wake time.
● Follow a consistent schedule and wind-down period before bed
● Strengthen the association with the bedroom with sleep. Have them do homework in another place, if possible
● Keeping the temperature of the bedroom on the cooler side 20–22 degrees is ideal. The bedroom should be dark, cave-like if they don’t need a nightlight
● No heavy meals, caffeine, or food late in the evening. Our bodies will work to digest the food, making falling asleep more difficult. A light snack including a protein can be helpful
A sound sleep is restful without a lot of movement or thrashing about. Breathing should be quiet, without mouth breathing or snoring/snorting (unless a cold or congestion). Medical reasons for sleep difficulties should be explored with your health care professional. About 30% of children experience sleep difficulties. Through a combination of sleep hygiene, routines, and close attention to any sleep disorders (another blog post), you can help get your child the rest they need to be healthy and strong.
Contact me if you have questions or want support with your school age child’s sleep. I support families with children of all ages and abilities.